Thursday, January 22, 2009

Future Town: Episode 102 "FutureMusic"

Hello from Future Town, USA. This is Daniel "Zoid Balls" Hillmansteinstonbacher with another Future Town report. For a brief recap on Future Town, for you outer-sector guests, follow this link: LINK

I was thinking about the Britney Spears Wars today and how it's really kinda messed up that the mini-apocalypse was brought on upon by Britney Spears. I don't know much about the Britney Spears Wars or how it came about, but I do know that people really did not choose a side until the United States government decided to go to war with the world and name the war "Operation: Britney Spears".

At first, folks were all like "Another war?...hmm". But, then, when the military named it after Britney Spears and told civilians "shut up, She's hot." people were all like "That's just unnecessary. Give me a gun."

Anyway, we got this new thing out in Future Town, and I think you're gonna like it. It's called Songsmith and it is a robot that rose out of the smoldering plastic debris after the great Microsoft Factory fire of last week and has come to Future Town with one mission (well, before it killed off 10 Future Town cops on its way through our gate) and its mission is thus:

To correct how we make music. It has done so by making the music itself. All you have to do is sing into it with your shitty voice and it will make the music that needs to be made in order to make up for all the shittyness you have brought to the table.

Songsmith Robot made an infomercial:

Some historians have taken acappella samples of pre-mini-apocalypse "artists" and fed them into Songsmith to make better versions than those "artists" could ever have dreamed of.

a few to enjoy:

Beastie Boys

Marvin Gave


Notorious B.I.G.


anyway, just wanted to tell you all that as a sort of segue to inform you that we're holding a candlelight vigil tonight in honor of the Future Town Police slain by Songsmith Robot.

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