Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Suicidal Sun, a greeting card series

Hello, Darkness, I'm your old friend. I've made you a present.

The Sad lil Sun

This greeting card is for you to share with your loved ones. It's based on a sculpture I tried to make out of styrofoam in college. I gave up on it cus it was hard to make a 10 foot sculpture out of styrofoam when your only drive to make it is the quickly dissolving notion that it may be a little humorous to see a cartoon sun putting a gun to its head. After you've inhaled a bunch of styro-dust and you can't figure out how to make the sun's arms stand on their own without snapping under the weight of its styrofoam gun, you suddenly start to realize that one day your organs will betray you and fail you and you will die, so you then put down your large file and sandpaper-block and you go outside, get a cool drink somewhere, and if you're lucky, stick your wiener in a hoo-haw.

aaaanyway, go 'Stros!


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